Finding scratching posts and furniture that meet Moki's needs can pose a distinct challenge. For starters, the post or piece of furniture has to be wide enough for Moki to brace himself agaisnt, and short enough for Moki to reach, without having to stand solely on his back legs. We had one such piece of furniture, as pictured below, and Moki loved it!

Unfortunately, the time has come to get rid of this particular scratching post. As you can see from the photo below, Moki in addition to our other cats, have riped through the carpet, down to the wood. Now normally we could still get a little more use out of this particular scratching post, but with Moki's condition, the exposed wood, presents a potential health threat, should Moki ever fall agaisnt the splintering wood.

At first we thought that finding a new scratching post similar to this one would be easy, however after visiting four local pet and feed stores, and searching online, we are finding it to be a bit of a challenge. So we are now asking for your help in locating another scratching post like the one shown above. If anyone has come across one like this, either online or at your local pet store, can you please, please, please let us know? We would love to replace this old scratching post (which is now retired for Moki's sake) with another one just like it, being as this is the only scratching post we have discovered that Moki actually can and will use!
Thanks everyone!

Hi Moki, I haven't seen a scratching post like that before. If you can't find another one, I wondered if there is a furniture upholsterer in your neighbourhood? I'm sure an upholsterer could recover your post so it's safe again for you. Also, as it would be a special job for a very special cat, they might not charge very much or might even do it free! :)
We'll keep our eyes open in the Chicagoland area for you!
Laila, Lilly and Catmom Peggy
Oh I has never seen one of those, but I will definitely keep my eye out!
PS: I won a kitten squillion!! I will be sending you my paypal today. I am so excited! A babycat squillion that looks like me and you!
i have a cat purniture store nearby. i'll be happy to look to see what they have.
We have not seen one like that, but we use a cardboard scratcher that lies flat on the floor. Maybe Moki could use something like that if you put something under it to prevent it from sliding around.
Meowm says she will keep her eyes open for one like this!
I have not seen one like that before, but I have a post that I have used strenuously for several years with not a speck of wear showing. It is a little expensive, but it is heavy-duty and looks like real furniture. Mine is an upright "post" type, but they make one called an "Angle" that is wedge-shaped and very sturdy. You can see it at
Hi Moki!! This may sound silly, but why don't you just replace the carpet on your existing post?
Moki - Here is something similar. Maybe it would work for you.
We hope you find the perfect post for Moki and siblings. Daisy has a good idea, if it would work.
Hmmm, I've nefur seen a skratching postie like that, eithur -- but it looks great! We Ballicai will keep our eyes open.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Jane has a good idea. I will scour our pet stores here for something like that.
We want to let you know that we got an email Monday saying your package shipped. I hope you like it!!!
Wow, I have never seen a cat scratch all the way through the carpet on a post before. I haven't seen a post like that either. I think replacing the carpet on it is worth a try. Moki is so cute by the way, he reminds me of my cat.
Thank you everyone for helping to keep an eye out for another scratching post like this one. Many of you also left some great suggestions. If it turns out that we cannot locate another scratching post like the one shown in the picture, then we will indeed take the advice which many of you left about recarpeting this one!
I have one you can buy from me (lord I hope you're in the US). I just purchased it yesterday at Petsmart and decided it was too small for my kits. It was marked regularly $74.95 and on sale cause it was the last one for $18.75. If you are interested, contact me. I have special needs kitties too...blind, diabetic, tripods.
BTW, this is called "The Persian Condo".
mew so amny great ideas! mew mew you could build one too maybe? Get some sturdy lumber and carpet scraps...MEW!
Hi, I found this one at a German Online Store - if you want it I could order it for you and ship it to the US
You can send an E-Mail to eliwagar@gmail.com!
Hope you find something for Moki!
Greetings from Eli, typing for Izi, Fenya, Belli, Signe, Blaumann and all new Femi
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