Her work area is a bit messy, being as it has been sitting gathering mostly dust these past couple of months...

In order to help raise money for Laura and her family, my momma bean will be auctioning off this hand woven sterling silver bracelet! It is one of my mom's favorite pieces, is made of solid sterling silver, and is approximately 7 inches in length. Opening bids for this bracelet will start at $20.00 and all proceeds will go directly to Laura and her family.

Bidding for this piece will close at Midnight Pacific Daylight Time on 4/21. Payment can be made through the Paypal button located on our sidebar. We will cover the shipping costs for all bids made within the U.S. (Sorry at this time we cannot cover the cost of international shipping. Those located outside of the U.S are still welcome to bid, but will need to add the shipping costs to their bid amount.) All bids and questions should be left in the comments section. Good luck everyone and happy bidding!
(Note: If this piece of jewelry is not to your liking, then check back on 4/22, when we will be holding a second auction, featuring multi pieces of jewelry, who's proceeds will benefit that of both Lilly Lu and Moki!)
P.S. Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris have all been found alive and reunited with their beloved Laura! Laura is thus about to embark on the journey of rebuilding her life, and still has over $4,000 in veterinary bills to pay, in addition to replacing everything destroyed by the fire!! Your support is therefore much appreciated!!!
Dis iz a wunderfull piece of jewel-ree. Dat iz so furry generous hearted of you Moki! I tink da Momee here iz gonna tink of sometin' dat she couldz donate. You haz made her tink harder abouts what she CAN do, instead of what she CANNOT.
That is a beautiful bracelet! Your mom is very talented! :)
that is a nice looking bracelet. good look on the auction.
Hi Moki,
Thanks for your very nice post on my blog. I hope you enjoy The World Is Your Litter Box... I think you will!
Your Friend,
That bracelet is beautiful! We will start the bidding at $20.00.
What a beautiful piece of jewelry. We would bid on it as a gift for Jan but she won't give us an allowance and no one will hire us after Buddy's plumbing business folded so abruptly.
It's sure nice of you to donate this and we're sure it will really help Laura and the kitties.
We're gonna peek at what you have on the 21st!
Artsy Mommie? Very cool! My Mommie tried to paint before...she is not so good. Maybe she will try again though because she finks it is fun. I can't wait to see what you has on the 21st!
ow, that's very kind of your momma bean, Moki....
btw, we usually online in the morning till afternoon, start around 10 am till 4 pm in our time zone, feel free to choose any from that time in your time zone.
Your Mom is very talented, Moki. The bracelet is beautiful. I will raise the bid to $25.00.
That is so sweet and wonderful of your Mom to help out!!! We were so happy to learn that they are safe - what a scary weekend it was!!!
Now we want to thank you so much for coming to our blogoversary party and celebrate with us! It wouldn't have been as much fun without you - and we hope you had a great time too and not too much of a hang-over, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
That's a beeyootiful bracelet! That's pawesome that yur Momma is an artist!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hey Moki Poki, I haven't seen you around! I hope that you are doing ok! Purrrsss.
That is a great bracelet! Meowm wishes she had some extra paper things right now....she would bid! We look forward to the next one though!
What a beautiful bracelet. I would like to bid $30.
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