It was another beautiful warm sun
shiny day and we thought
Moki, who
hadn't been outside for awhile, might enjoy a little time in the fresh air...In the below videos you will notice that
Moki is still struggling quite a bit to walk. In fact his ability to walk, as captured on the videos below is actually worsening. We are now starting to believe that we will have to take
Moki to the physical therapist, before we complete raising the money for his MRI and
CSF Tap. It was our hope that we could wait to see the therapist until after the MRI and
CSF Tap, but I think you'll agree after seeing the videos, that
Moki is going to have to go a little sooner than we planned...
Many of you have asked in the past, how Moki gets along with our six other cats. While we have tried to answer, we have never been able to capture on video, Moki's special relationship with his brother Bandit a.k.a Orange Boy(pictured below) until now....

Orange Boy who normally hangs out in the back yard most of the day, upon hearing my voice, rush up into the front yard to check out what was going on. To his surprise, he found his little brother
Moki hanging out in the front yard...
The above and below videos capture perfectly, the special relationship shared between Orange Boy and
Moki. Orange Boy has always been quite fond of
Moki, as is
Moki of Orange Boy...We will leave you now with this final video and hope that you enjoyed today's show as much as
Moki and Orange Boy enjoyed recording the movies for you...
Moki wanted to share with you a video he came across tonight which he thinks you all may enjoy...
An Engineers Guide to Cats

Oh Moki... I wishez dat you didz not has to struggull so much to walkee. We hopes dat da fizz-eekull therapy works.
(Da momee here couldz not watchez all da video. I tinks she iz sqeemish fur cats. She feelz what dey iz feelin.' She iz weerd I tink.)
We tinks you iz da bravest kitty we know Moki.
Mebbe if you can comez to da Itty Bitty Cafe', I can fixez you a speshull meal.
You can justee sits & not worry abouts walkin'.
Dr Tweety
Hi Moki, I am sorry to see that you are having a wittle bit more trouble walking, but I fink you are still doing it very well! I bet it felt nice to have the sunshines on your furrs, and it was nice of Bandit to keep you company! He is very handsome, but not as handsome as us!
That is so great that Orange Boy seems so fond of Moki (and vice versa), Glad Moki was able to enjoy the outdoors...
I am so sorry that Moki is having more trouble walking. Orange Boy seems to be encouraging him in the first video of the two of them. I am glad that Moki and Orange Boy like each other so much.
Oh Moki, I'm so sorry that walking is getting harder for you. I think your Mummy is very wise to think about bring forward the Physical Therapy. Seeing you and Orange Boy together is delightful. I hope you both enjoyed your time in the lovely sunshine!
Oh Moki it was nice to see you having smooches with your brother. I can tell theat Orange Boy loves you and is being real gentle.
I is sorry that walking is so difficult, maybe we need to find you a little harness with wheels, so you don't drag your legs around.
I am sending you warm hugs and purrs from New Zealand. We are going to save our dollars so we can give you another donation soon.
Poppy q
Our Momma has tears in her eyes watching how determined you are in your struggle to get around. We pray the PT's can help! Do they have little carts they can hook up to your back to help? You look so determined. We thinks too that is is harder to navigate in the grass. Our prayers go out to you and success to you in your next hurdle. We knows you can do it Moki!
Oh Moki, you look so happy to be sitting outside in the sunshines! And I can tell that Orange Boy is a very special friend, and protective of you, too.
We all need a special friend, so it's great you have Orange Boy as yours.
We noticed you stopped by Dr T's new cafe. He's done quite a job fixing up the place and getting it ready to open.
You're a very determined guy.
Oh Moki & Orange Boy. I'm so glad you have each other. These are such cute videos. I'm glad you got to enjoy the warm grass Moki.
You are so brave and determined. I hope PT can help you lots.
We're sending you a package that should get to you sometime this week.
Aw, I can see how much those two cats love each other. I'm glad Moki gets to go outside too.
mew mew Moki. Mummy and I know how you enjoyed the fresh spring air and sunshine. Good for your lungs. Once again I had to push the box of tissues towards Mummy. She did not know you were having so much trouble getting around. And Orange Boy! He is your protector isn't he?
The PT sounds like a good idea. Get your back legs working a little better! MEW!!!
We love you Moki! And Orange Boy too! MEW!!!
We are sorry that you are having more problems with walking Moki. It is so nice that Orange Boy is your special friend. We hope that physical therapy helps you. The enineer's guide to cats was great.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
It is so nice to see Orange Boy and Moki together. They look so sweet together. Sorry to hear Moki is having more problems.
Oh yes, poor Moki - I remember he could walk better in earlier movies... I am glad Moki has such wonderful cat friends in addition to his caring humans!
We all here purr for him constantly! He is such a great cat and role model.
Mrs. OZ
Oh Moki, I'm so glad you have a loving brother to share the wonderful outdoors with. I must admit, brothers are pretty great...
Ow, poor love, we miss you terrible...sorry we haven't been around (again) but glad to know your progress no matter how obstacles & ordeals you've got to deal, you're such a determined furry friend:)
We believe love is an energy healing too besides reiki for your well being, and indeed you've got it from your beloved humans & furry companions, we're so happy watching your videos with The Orange Boy! How love is a miracle thing and wonderful energy... We're sending our best purrs & purrayers as always:)
1st ManCat Monday furr Big Brother Bunjie, Meaouwy Troops leader
Moki, we are so sorry to hear that your ability to walk is worsening. :( That's very sad. It looks like you are enjoying the sun, though. We hope physical therapy will be able to help you.
You have a wonderful relationship with Orange Boy. :)
Sibling love is very important for both! You can be lucky to have Orange Boy. We all hope you get better soon!
Awwww Moki....you are just having trouble getting your legs under you. I hope the physical therapy will help you. We have been purraying and purraying for you. It is great that you get along with your brother....it seems you get along better with yours than I do with mine!
Keep fighting.....we are sending you gentle headbutts.
It is nice to see the Orange Boy does not treat Moki differently because of his disability.
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