Moki is continuing to have problems with his back legs, coughing and is still peeing lots of blood from the UTI. Sissy still refuses to eat on her own, and the attempts at force feeding her A/D, left her with a bout of diarrhea. (We have since switched to feeding Sissy baby food, which she has kept down well, and appears to be easier on her stomach. ) Orange Boy continues to do just fine, and the fur on the top of his head is finally starting to grow back after having it shaved from the rattlesnake bite.
We are still trying to make the rounds and catch up with everyone, in addition to getting momma beans doodles up on Cafe Press. (We managed to get one doodle up today, and hope to get more up tomorrow...) Thank you so much for all your continued purrs and support!
Dearest brave little Moki! You are often on my mind and today I wanted to tell you that. Your sweet Sissy and Orange Boy have had their share of sadness these past few weeks. I have been keeping you all in my prayers. Sometimes being a kitty can be a very hard thing. Knowing you are all so very loved helps make the days more bareable I am sure.
I admire how very brave you are...
Love Miss Peach who wishes she could wave a magic wand and help you recover...XOXOXOXO
Moki, you have a very talented Mama. That picture is one of our favorites. We are going to have to order at least a set of cards. We also love the picture she chose of you. We are glad to hear that Orange Boy is doing so well. Mom found Target or Walmart have the best price on the baby food. We'll keep purring for all of you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
we luv all your doodles/cartoon...we never stop continuing purring & purrayers furr all of you there though we rarely hang around here; keep the faith & fight:)
POor Moki, I hope your UTI soon clears up, maybe when it does you will have less trouble with your back legs. You are such a little fighter you really are. I also hope Sissy can soon start eating by herself. AD can be very rich, maybe a little mixed up in the baby food might be ok?
Sending love to you all xx
PS: Your Momma's doodles are excellent, she is really talented :)
We are keeping to our purring and praying for you guys.
Remember this, tough times neva last but tough cats do!
Love and kissies,
Don't you go worrying about not visiting blogs you hear! It's more important to take care of your furries. We understand totally!
You are all in our daily purrayers and thoughts.
Laila and Lilly
i hope things get better for all of you (and soon). glad to hear sissy is able to keep down some food.
You have your hands full taking of the furries. We are purring and praying they all get better soon.
Moki~We are sorry to hear you are still having UTI problems and that your legs are still giving you trouble. We will double up on our purrayers for you and for Sissy!
We are sending out big loving, healing hugs to all of you!
We are also glad to hear that Orange Boy is healing up well!
Oh dear, you have had some bad times. Just remember that good times are always around the corner. I pray that Moki improves very soon and that Sissy continues to eat.
Purrs, Sukie X
We are still purring for Moki, Sissy, and Orange Boy.
We wish you all 3 all the best! I can hardly imagine what a tough time you are having!
Big smooches to the sick bay. Moki, Orange Boy and Sissy I am thinking of you all.
Poppy Q
I am glad to hear that Orange Boy is healing up so well. I am sad that Sissy still isn't eating, but I am glad that she is managing to keep the baby food down. I hope and pray that Moki gets over his UTI very soon.
Hi, Moki and all the kitties and Beans! How are you all today?
We have tag u guys for a meme, hope you will have fun. :)
I hope you guys are feeling better soon. We'll be purring. We are off to check out the auction!
~Shade and Goldie
hope u all start to feel better i dont have no word to sey to make u better but i think of u all the time and i have faling in love with u3 God ceape u save LOA ps how do i find u on cafe press ?
Moki, Steve's female just went ahead and donated. She no longer lets me use the credit card. We'd be happy to donate an autographed copy of The World Is Your Litter Box to a future auction.
i am sorry it is still raining on you and Sissy. i am glad Orange Boy is doing better. we have placed our bids and hope to win!
Don't forget, the auctions end Sunday night at midnight eastern. 100% of the money goes directly to Moki, Orange Boy and Sissy's fund.
KC will post about the cool Cafe Press items on the Cat Blogosphere tomorrow, those are so cute.
And keep purring for Moki and Sissy to get better.
pee ess: Glad to hear the baby food worked for sweet Sissy.
You guys sure have your paws full.
We continue to pray for you.
Smooches and kitty hugs and purrs to all of you.
Hi Moki, Sissy and Orange Boy, we are purrring and purrraying for you all! Your doodles are so cute! Let us know when they are on your cafe press store!
Your FL furiends,
We're all continuing to keep you in our thoughts and purrayers.
KC said...
Hey effurryone, tha auction just closed and we's raised $167 to help with Moki, Orange Boy & Sissy's vet bills.
If yous bidded in tha auction, come by and see if you won... instructions are posted, too.
Love & Purrs,
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