
In other news momma bean did finally set aside the time this afternoon to help Moki both select a raffle winner...Moki was having a little difficulty selecting a winner so momma bean had to help out, as is evident in the below video...
After shooting the video several times, finally with momma beans help, Moki was able to select his winner...and the winner is Liz at http://lizzieslogic.blogspot.com/! Congratulations Liz!!! Your package will be mailed out to you next week!
We are still a little shy of the total needed to get Moki his thoracic inlet x-ray, so once momma bean gets through the remaining of her mid-terms this week, she will try to put another raffle together for Moki and any other kitties out there who may be in need.
In the meantime, Moki is doing well. He has lost a little weight recently, but his coughing seems to be under control. He remains happy, and joyful as always...
Thats all for now!
In responce to Ratmammy and Anonymous:
There are conditions present in animals such as cerebellar hypoplasia, cerebellar abiotrophy, and so forth, which affect an animal’s ability to coordinate their movements. For the most part these types of conditions are the result of the animal’s cerebellum being under developed. These types of conditions can occur either in utero or several months after birth. While these types of conditions do affect an animal’s ability to control their movements, for the most part they are not known to cause any physical pain. An animal may walk funny, or have a harder time getting around, but they are mentally intact. They know what they want to do, they know how to do it, they just need to figure out new and different ways to accommodate their disability.
The point here is that Moki is not in any pain. He is not half dead, and while euthanasia may exist, it should not be used as a means for putting down an animal simply because they are different or need accommodation. Yes, Moki has some sort of a virus which makes him sick from time to time, and yes he sometimes looses weight, or develops symptoms of a URI, but each of those things passes, just like a human cold passes. We can’t control them, but they don’t amount to putting him to sleep either…
On a day to day basis, Moki is a happy cat. He does many of the things regular cats do, including eating on his own, and playing and curling up with his siblings. He purrs, playfully bites, and loves sitting by the window watching the birds, just as all normal indoor cats do. So ya, he may have a little more trouble getting around, but he doesn’t let that stop him...and he doesn’t let his disability interfere with his enjoyment of life!
(Here is a video we shot today of Moki walking. It shows Moki getting up from a laying down position and walking towards a food dish which has been placed at a height which makes it easier for him to eat off of...yes he has a disability and he walks differently than a normal cat, however the fact remains that he does walk on his own, knows what he wants and goes for it, be it food, or simply a cat toy. He often walks across the room, be it to sit by the window and watch the birds, or simply to explore like most curious cats do.)
A disability should never = death or discrimination in either an animal or a person, and I am a firm believer in this. I am sorry if my opinion differs from yours, but the fact of the matter is, I have spent a lot of time researching the issue of disabilities and illness, in both animals and people. I work part time, 10 hours a week, in a moderate to severe, educational psychology department, have two aunts, both of whom I am very close to, which both have multiple master degrees in moderate to severe disabilities, have taken and completed with A’s veterinary assisting classes, and have consulted with multiple doctors and specialists on Moki’s medical case, and none of them feel that Moki’s current state warrants putting him down…neither do I.
It is easy for someone to look at an animal like Moki and say oh you should put the poor cat down, but it is much harder, and takes a much stronger person to see a animal like Moki, and to fight for them. Is keeping Moki alive selfish? No, because Moki is not in any pain. It is refusing to discriminate against him simply because he is different. It both amazes and frightens me how quickly people can jump to the conclusion that Moki should be put down, while knowing and understanding so little about his condition or his current state…
Please in the future take the time to educate yourself before making, or recommending such life and death decisions… you are after all talking about taking a life while knowing so little. Life is a precious gift, and it is beyond upsetting to see that there are people out there that would so quickly take it away, without bothering to do the research, or giving it so much as a second thought…! Compassion is not ending a life simply because you feel sorry for an animal and dont want to look at it or deal with it. Compassion is being sympathetic to an animal's condition, and helping them to find the ways and means to accommodate and fight it...
First off let me start by saying, no one other than Moki himself can know exactly how Moki feels. What we can know, and what we do know, is how Moki acted and responded to things prior to getting sick and being left in his current state, how he acts and responds to things now, and what his medical record shows. When we combine all three of the above, we can come to a pretty reasonable conclusion about how Moki feels. A mother cannot know exactly how her infant feels, prior to them being able to talk and express their feelings for themselves, however that doesn’t mean that a mother cannot reasonably judge and come to a conclusion about how the infant may feel. Using this logic it is not unreasonable to assume that we can determine and or interpret how Moki feels…
Now as for Jodi, please re-read what I was saying and this time read it carefully. I did not make any judgment calls about Jodi. For starters this is not about Jodi. I did not know Jodi, nor do I know all of the details surrounding Jodi’s case. Please do not twist what I was saying. I did not “reckon [it] was wrong having [Jodi] put down,” nor did I make any statement to that affect. I did not judge you one way or the other, because Jodi was not my cat. I only pointed out how quick you where to judge me, and to reach the conclusion that MOKI should be put down, without knowing, or understanding all the details of MOKI’S case…
If the videos of Moki are upsetting to people, then they should ask questions about Moki and his condition, not just assume or recommend that he be put to sleep. Unfortunately animals with conditions even less severe than Moki’s are put to sleep everyday because people don’t bother to take the time to ask questions or education themselves about the kinds of conditions plaguing these animals. As you may imagine, the consequences of these actions are devastating not only to the animals whose lives are being taken, but also to the human population in general. So little is currently known about neurological conditions and their effects on both the animal and human population. If no one ever fought to keep animals like Moki alive, then medical science would have even less to go on, when trying to battle these types of conditions. It is therefore important on a number of levels to help keep animals like Moki alive who display such symptoms, but appear to be in no pain, so that we can learn from them, and help others in the future, which is exactly why we work with UC Davis, The Shriner’s Children’s Hospital, and many others. Of course all of this has already been recorded on our blog in prior posts…
I am sure Jodi was a wonderful cat, that you loved him very much, and that you did what you believed was best for him. I am also very sorry to hear of your loss. In closing, after reading this, I hope in the future, when you see some thing that upsets you, that you will take the time to ask questions, and understand what you are seeing, before leaving comments and recommending that an animal be put to sleep. To that effect, I welcome any questions you may have about Moki’s condition.
Where should I even begin…I suppose the best place to start is in acknowledging your pain, as it is evident, that your comment was written from the perspective of someone who is both suffering and angry…FUS, FEV, FLEV, AIDS, cancer, arthritis, thyroid issues, diabetes, brain tumors, and dementia are all very nasty things to have to deal with. Nobody should ever have to go through them and I am very sorry to hear that you have had to deal with them. Unfortunately, your comparison of Moki to your cats is illogical, and I can only conclude, that such a comparison steams from the pain of your loss…
For starters, as I am sure you are well aware, and as your vet(s) most likely advised you, many of the conditions you mention are fatal. There are no known cures, and only supportive care can be offered to animals inflicted with such conditions, until such a point, that supportive care is no longer a viable option. Animals inflicted with many (although by no means all) of the conditions you mentioned will inevitably deteriorate, with no hope of recovery, until such a time that a cure is found to treat these fatal conditions. The key here is that until such a time that a cure is found, these animals will certainly die from their diseases, it may take a week, a month, or it may be years before they will die, but in the end, the disease without a treatment leading to a cure, will eventually kill them, it’s just a matter of time.
With that said, I am sure you are very familiar with what it is like to lose an animal to a known fatal disease and I never made any claims to the contrary. However, the comparison of Moki’s illness to a fatal disease is not a logical one. Moki has never been diagnosed with a fatal condition. After recovering from his initial illness, the doctors have never made any claims that Moki’s illness will certainly result in his death. They cannot make a claim one way or the other, because they simply do not know what they are dealing with. Further every diagnostic test ran on Moki, after his initial illness has come back normal, making him appear in spite of his obvious illness a perfectly healthy cat, which is exactly why the doctors are baffled.
Now in regards to incontinence, if you had taken my advice and educated yourself about Moki and his condition, by reviewing his blog and reading the many postings on it, you would be well aware of the fact that Moki is perfectly capable of going to the bathroom on his own. Yes he needs assistance to be held up in the litter box, but no, he does not use the house as his litter box, as your cat obvious did. Moki knows exactly where the litter box is, and when helped into it, will go to the bathroom without fail. If no one is around to assist him however, which is extremely rare, he will not just got to the bathroom anywhere, but will instead walk over to his litter box, and go to the bathroom right next to his litter box. This is not the behavior of a cat suffering from incontinence it is the behavior of a cat living with a physical disability. (With that said, I should note, that these kinds of accidents, if you can call them that, are far and few between, with maybe a total of three happening in the last year.) So again to compare Moki to a cat living with and suffering from arthritis, thyroid issues, diabetes, dementia and brain tumors, as was your second cat, is neither a fair nor logical comparison. On the one hand you have a cat who knows what they are suppose to do, makes an attempt to do it, but needs assistance because of a physical disability, on the other, you have cat with a series of medical issues, getting from the sounds of it, increasingly worse, who is no longer even attempting to use a litter box because they are suffering so much. We are talking about apples and oranges here…
I know you have been through a lot, but please do not project onto Moki, or myself for that matter, the issues of you or your cats. Please take a step back from the situation and work out your feelings about your animals. From your own comments, you obviously prolonged a cat’s life who you knew was going to die, and then prolonged Alice’s life (another cat) when you knew that she was suffering…Moki is neither suffering, nor has he been diagnosed with a fatal condition.
If you where familiar with Moki, his condition and his circumstances you would have already know everything I have pointed out so far, in addition, you would have been well aware of the fact that Moki does indeed eat on his own. You would also have known not to bother pointing out or suggesting an animal wheelchair or cart, since I am obviously well aware of them (see the postings about Bella and her wheelchair,) and you would have already have known that both Moki’s physical therapist and orthopedic surgeon did not and still do not feel that Moki would benefit from a wheelchair/cart at this time. As for Moki’s back legs, he can most certainly move them, which is exactly why neither the physical therapist nor orthopedic surgeon want Moki in a cart and have instead recommended that Moki does hydrotherapy, when he feels up to it, as older blog postings show…
In the future, please take the time to get ALL OF THE FACTS and to get them straight before you go around making accusations. It is obvious you still feel a great deal of pain over losing your cats. It is also obvious that you know absolutely nothing about Moki or his condition. I am sorry to be so abrupt, but this is not the first time you have left such comments on Moki’s blog. I overlooked it the first time way back when, but you obviously have learned nothing about Moki since then…
If you are not here to educate yourself, and you do not support what I am trying to do, then the only reason left for you to be here is to instigate...I really hope that that is not your intent, so I am extending you the opportunity to learn about Moki and to EDUCATE yourself about his condition by asking questions and familiarizing yourself with all that we have done and all that Moki has been through…
Congratulations to Elizabeth. We hope your mommy does well on the remainder of her tests and classes.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Congratulations to Elizabeth.
We're glad Moki is doing well and Mini Munch is home.
Good luck to mom Crystal. Looks like you have a lot of reading to do.
Congratulations to Elizabeth! We were so happy to hear that Mini Munch came home and are really happy to hear that Moki is doing well.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Concats to Elizabeth! Moki, we're so glad that you're doing okay, but please remember to eat up lots of your dinner. Mini Munch, it's so good that you're home - please don't wander too far away in your travels. Mom Crystal, you're doing well to study so much and sit all of your exams, so hang in there. Purrs to all at Casa Moki,
Gypsy & Tasha
Congratulations to Elizabeth. Good luck to your Mom with her studying.
congrats to Elizabeth! and so glad to hear moki is doing well! And, don't stress yourself- we're happy to get the updates when we get them. But school is so important! So, take your time!
Poor Moki!! We just watched this video and he can barely walk! Is he ok?? Oddly enough, Moki is the same coloring as our departed Alice.. she also could not stand that last day. We had decided if she could not even stand up to eat (she was too weak to eat on her own), it was time.... we did all we could for her, but for months she deteriorated and lost so much weight. It is so hard to lose a pet and let go... I know you have tried so hard to keep Moki alive, but that poor cat looks half dead... God bless Moki!
Hooray for Elizabeth! Moki, I'm glad you are doing well.
I totally agree with ratmammy. I once had a cat called Jodie who was so full of life (started off as an indoor cat but when I moved back to Mum's he just adored being active outdoors with his "friends") and to see him deteriorate with arthritis (aged 12) in his back legs was heartbreaking. Our compassionate, kind vet tried various treatments such as steriods but nothing worked. Jodie still went out but would collapse after a few steps. He once ended up in a grid outside the home and couldn't climb out without assistance :-( For this very reason we had him put down. He was suffering and we just couldn't bear it. It was a very hard decision to make...but the right one in my opinion. We wanted to remember him as an active cat, not some shadow of his former self...and he wasn't going to get better, the vet admitted that fact. I think it is the owners who keep cats alive for too long for THEIR benefit and not the cat's. Euthanasia is there to put animals out of their misery...and I really think Moki is miserable. It is all very sad. I really think the videos should stop, they are too upsetting :-(
Moki you are doing very well, don't give up.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine, & capu from Singapore
i think moki just wanted everyone to be a winner...
You keep fighting Moki! As long as you are happy, that is all that matters!!!! We love you and purr for you everyday!!!
Glad you are still with us, Moki.
Regarding the comments from those owners who imply you should be put to sleep, I know your momma bean, like any loving owner, will be able to tell when/if you or any other kitty is truly suffering to the point where life is no longer enjoyable and it is time to step in with that sort of help. So many humans have kitties put to sleep to avoid inconveniance or vet bills or because they are uncomfortable with kittie's changes in ability or appearence. A good owner is strong and helps us fight as long as a kitty shows a will to live and fight and is finding some joy in life. It isn't easy to care for a differently abled critter, but neither is raising a human child or caring for an elderly human. But the joy in these relationships is worth that extra work, and every bit of quality time that makes up a kitty life is precious. My mommy has cared for animals suffering from partial perallisis, and had to have some sick and injured suffering animals put down. She feels she can tell when and if it is time to put someone to sleep by paying attention to how they seem to feel and behave. She is sure momma bean knows when her kitties needs any kind of help, and commends her on helping Moki in his struggle instead of throwing in the towel while he is still obviously happy to be alive. We love you, Moki! P.S. sorry for the poor spelling, our checker is down
Sweet Moki - we are always purring for you and we know your Mom loves you very much and would never give up on you as long as you are happy. Keep fighting Moki! We're on your side!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mom bean, and moki- do not worry about what those people say that are unaware of things. You have to continue to fight with the animal if the animal fights. You can't just give up.
Unfortunately, a lot of people don't like animals, and cannot understand. SO many say 'ok put them down' if the animal has the slightest thing wrong instead of helping.
Moki is incredibly lucky to have soemone like you for a mom bean, because you are willing to go above and beyond. We are routing for you both.
Just ignore those who are too ignorant to understand. I pity them for never feeling that compassion that burns in your heart. They will never love an animal like we do, and they are missing out on the best part of life.
Moki, you are awesome! You are a true fighter and have the spirit of a dragon. To "Anonymous" - if your cat had such bad arthritis, why on earth would you let him outside??? Its easy to pass judgement off on someone else, but take a look in the mirror. You LET your disabled cat outside to get stuck in a grid!!! Moki's mom has gone to GREAT lengths to keep Moki happy and safe and healthy - thats what love is!
I cared for a special needs cat for a long time too, and his life was worth it! He enjoyed his life and deserved to live, even tho he was different.
I love you, Moki!!!
Cograts to the winner. Moki it is soooooooo good to hear you are doing better. We still say purrs fur you.
That's me told then. So you are saying that you know exactly what Moki's feelings are? You are saying that animals should not be put down if the owner thinks they are not suffering? So you reckon I was wrong having my cat put down? Who are you to judge on that, you never even knew my wonderful Jodie. He was an awesome cat and I think about him every day. Granted, if he was an indoor cat then - perhaps - he would have lived a lot longer, and that is probably the case with Moki. I do not wish ill-will on you or your animals, please believe me. In actual fact I know Lizzie via her blogs and I am pleased she won the recent raffle you had. I will continue to read your blog just to see how Moki is doing. I did not want to upset you in any way, please believe that but you can understand how it looks seeing Moki struggling to get around? It is so unusual for someone like yourself to fight a cause such as this and I really do wish you luck with it.
Crystal, your response is most articulate and you have said it better than most of us ever could. What you've done for Moki is selfless and loving, and you know him better than anyone. Moki is a special boy and lucky to have you as his caregiver.
'Kaika's mom
Dear Moki, It's so good to hear that you are doing well and we're glad that Mini Munch returned safely.
We're sure your human knows what's best for you and we admire what she does for you. It's sad when people think they're entitled to judge others. We'll continue to purr for you.
Cliff and Olivia
For the record, I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on a cat that had FUS, FEV, FLEV, AIDS, CANCER... this is ONE cat... do not ever tell me I do now know what it's like.. HOW DARE YOU! I filed bankruptcy for that cat! But I knew when to put him to sleep.. we fought all we could.. with Aids he could not fight cancer.. we did chemotherapy.. but each time the cancer cells grew aggressive.. but let me tell you this - he was able to walk on his on, to pee on his own.. until that very last day, when we had to CARRY him to look outside that one last time, to enjoy that view he had grown to love.. but even the doctor knew it was time.....
I just went through this with another, cat, dealt with her incontinence for MONTHS.. our house was her litter box... literally.. we cleaned up her poops and her pee as she used the hallways as her box.. and the mess has still not been cleaned up entirely.. it's been over a year since she's passed on... so DON'T you ever dare say I dont know what it's like....... I have been there.. but when Alice could no longer walk on her own to eat... we knew this was it. This has to do not only with the pain the animal is suffering (she also had arthritis, thryoid issues, diabetes, and finally dementia and we were told most likely she had brain tumors)... but it also has to do with dying with dignity. An animal living in the wild that condition would have gone away to die. Alice tried to hide from us, and that was the sign that she wanted to die. But we kept her doing, thinking she would recover.
While I commend Moki's mom, I question whether this cat's life is being prolonged for the wrong reasons, that the mom does not want to lose cat after such a valiant fight. I understand... but it's not just me.. i have many friends who are animal loves that will draw the line when an animal cannot fend for herself... when that animal can no longer eat on his own or walk... if your animal cannot walk, I would suggest you do something about it.... there are apparatuses out there that help a cat like Moki to be mobile. There are little kitty and doggy carts that act like wheel chairs. Give this poor cat some dignity!! Help him!!! But don't let him drag his feet around and think he's happy. Because he's not. HELP THE POOR CAT have some dignity and give him a quality of life that he deserves!! He is NOT a human being.. he does NOT understand why he is still alive and cannot move his back legs. At least try to gove him a better life, and NOT just keep him alive.
Yay - we are so glad that Mini Munch came home!
It looks like you are getting around better these days, Moki and we're glad to see it. We think you a very brave little fighter and we're glad everyday that you're here. We know that your family loves you huge big bunches and they know what's best for you.
Sending purrs to all,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Congratulations to Liz. We love the walking video Moki and glad to see you are doing well. You are always in our thoughts, and really admire your mommy and family.
yeah moki!! yoo rock!! why are people being such poo poo heads?
Niko and Cloud's Mom here:
Crystal, it does sound like they are having trouble making the distinction between progressively ill/elderly cats (their prior cats) and a cat with a chronic disease (Moki).
When Texas lost the ability to walk, we had him put to sleep because we were told that there was a 99% chance it was because the cancer had come back. We also had strong reason to believe even if the inability to walk was not as a result of the cancer, that the cancer was also on its way back, and that he had little time left. He was also still struggling with nausea, and we could see in his eyes how unhappy he was at that point, so we let him go.
Moki seems much much happier than Texas was, even though his walking is worse than Texas was on Tex's last day. So I totally understand and support your decision to keep helping Moki fight and I hope the commenters will eventually understand the difference as well.
I just had to say one last thing- I sincerely hope that these same people don't show up on Niko and Cloud's blog and say the same thing because of how Niko walks with his CH!!
Thanks for the thoughtful explanation about Moki, and the comparisons between Alice and Moki. No, I haven't been able to read all the backnotes on your blog. I only started reading this recently, and yes, the videos were very alarming especially since I didn't know the backstory. I still don't understand, though, what the reason is for Moki's condition (his disability) and was this how he was when you found him? Or did he develop the physical disability?
Anyway, thanks for the very understanding note explaining the situation Moki.
It almost sounds like you are accusing me of prolonging the lives of my kitties, just as I was with yours. I will leave that alone. You could be right, but it's all hindsight. As we were going through this with Alice, we only knew that just a month or so before, she was fine. There was no sign of these issues happening with her. She was healthy. Her diabetes and thyroid were manageable. but something must have happened to her over night, we suspect maybe even a stroke, but you do not put down an animal just because over night this animal started to act "weird". the changes were gradual, but we adjusted and helped her along and continued to take her to the vet. We did tests and found possible UTI... we did what we could to make sure we DID all that we could. There was even a time when we saw she was improving. But as I said, when she at the end could no longer stand on her own, then we knew it was time.
Musashi lived a healthy live in remission. And we fought his cancer for a month. I did not prolong his life without a fight, because we were told there was a chance he could beat the cancer. anyway, I did right by helping him out. Instead of dying at the age of 3 years, he recovered, went into remission, and had a really great 6 years, until the cancer hit. I did the right thing.
Since I do not know what is wrong with your cat except from the last few posts and the videos, I have nothing further to say. I would like to understand what is going on with Moki, but I tried going into past notes and all i am reading are treatments, but I have not seen anything (yet - there are too many posts! It's not like i have nothing to do all day haha!!) that explained the actual reason for his physical disability. If you could help me with that, it would help ME understand what you are trying to do for Moki.
Niko and Cloud: Yes I subscribe to your blog as well but am very very behind in reading it, but do not have any negative or positive comments to say about your kitties! I would have to go back and read again, since it's been months since I have kept up on it.
Mom Crystal, I am glad to see that Moki is doing better. I will continue to send purrs for both of you.
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Contemporary developments in classic men's fashion
Though basic men's designs will never be changed, it is interesting to remember that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain basic garments back to fashion. The popularity of vintage clothing, especially, has brought back a wide-variety of basic designs into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who clothe themselves in a classic yet extravagant way, acting in a sophisticated approach and placing value on appearance. This pattern for nearly'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in obviously Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage cycles - with lots of the men wearing perfect mustaches! This really is just one single of several types of research displaying the resurrection of such types. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete websites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, although specific facets of classic men's style could be cut back as new styles, the simple garments that they are based on will never slip out of fashion.
"All it takes are a few simple garments. And there is one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
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The relative difficulties of men's and women's style
Both women and men can feel the demands of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's style usually feels a lot simpler. Of program, for both sexes, clothes and style choices could be quite as delicate, and there are lots of'cool'things that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style features a few staple items which can exist eternally - which man is planning to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick classic cuts, colours and materials and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why classic men's style is eternal
The basic man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many kinds for various events, but they are all popular in their search for a wise, sharp look for the wearer. The good thing about traditional fashion for men is that it is effortlessly fashionable effortlessly cool. A well-groomed gentleman can almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will be utilized to work in many jobs due to the professional look it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Similarly a suit will be worn to several social situations, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing flexibility which allows matches to be utilized in just about all occasions is what gives it its timeless border and a permanent devote men's fashion.
Modern trends in classic men's fashion
Though common men's styles can never be changed, it's interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic clothes back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specially, has brought back a wide-variety of common designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress yourself in a classic yet elegant way, acting in a polished method and placing value on appearance. This tendency for almost'over-the-top'traditional style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages clothe themselves in obviously Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage cycles - with most of the men wearing impressive mustaches! This is only one of several examples of research exhibiting the resurrection of such designs. There are also numerous sites online which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole websites such as'The Art of Manliness'focused on providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, whilst specific areas of basic men's style may be cut back as new trends, the basic garments that they are based on will never slip out of fashion.
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StyleGun is an online men's fashion retailer with a technical perspective.
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