Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sissy Has An Emergency

(Clicking on this photo will take you to a link of a photograph showing Sissy in her current state. Please do not click on the photo if you are the least bit squeamish. I will forewarn you that the picture is VERY UPSETTING.)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be unable to post updates on Moki this afternoon. Sissy has had an emergency, and we will be needing to rush her to the vet. Our vet is currently out at lunch (from 12:00-1:00) and our ER vet is about 35-45 minutes away, (with lunch hour traffic it could take as long as 50 mins to get there,) so to make it easiest on Sissy, we will be waiting for our regular vet to return from lunch and take her to him, versus trying to make the drive to the ER vet. I just discovered that Sissy's side has busted open. She is currently stable, but I am not sure for how long. If I had to guess I would say that the tumor caused some kind of abscess which broke open. As some of you may recall Sissy's tumor is rather large, and her size easily hid the fact that she had some kind of abscess. I feel just awful. It looks really bad, and I fear that we will most likely have to help Sissy to the bridge this afternoon. I did not want to post a picture of Sissy the way she currently looks directly on Moki's blog, because it is far to upsetting, so I linked the picture above to a photo of Sissy being hosted on for those of you who can stomach to look at it. I forewarn you however that it looks very bad, so please do not click on the picture if you are the least bit squeamish. This has been coming for awhile so we were prepared, and knew that our time with her would be limited, I just didn't think it would happen like this. Thankfully my boyfriend is working from home today, which means that he can stay home and keep an eye on Moki, while I take Sissy to the vet. When it rains it sure does pour!


Sissy was helped to the rainbow bridge at 2:50 this afternoon. The abscess was really a build up of fluid, that occured as a result of Sissy's liver failing. The tumor spread, and Sissy lost the battle, but she put up a very brave long fight. It is my deepest hope that someday they will find a cure for this deadly disease. Her crossing was very peaceful, and our deepest comfort lies in the fact that we know she is no longer in pain.

___________MOKI UPDATE___________

The results of Moki's bloodwork came back and everything looks normal. Surprisingly, with all of the blood lost, Moki is not even anemic. Now that's the good news, the bad news is that if something doesn't show up on the culture, we are going to have to have a number of tests done to try and figure out what is behind the blood in the urine. If we have to go this route, it will be to test for very rare conditions, like his blood failing to clot. Please join us in praying that an answer can be found on the urine culture, and that Moki will not have to be put through any additional tests...


Anonymous said...

Oh no - we're so sorry! Last night the Lady held me and prayed for Moki, while I purrrrrrred for him. We'll be adding in prayers and purrs for Sissy now too. Love & hugs from all of us.

Parker said...

Oh we are so sorry...
You are in our thoughts.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Poor baby. We are sending even more purrs and purrayers.

Anonymous said...

we are joining in for the purrs and purrayers for alla you for sure!
we are so sorry Sissy feels so poorly at the moment.
we just want to let you know we are here for you all!

Cafe Cats said...

Purring with all of our might for Sissy and Moki!

Ikaika said...

We are so sorry for the difficult times Moki and Sissy are having. We are purring extra hard and sending lots of blue and white light, and we send purrs and headbonks to your whole family.

Ikaika, Tabbygail, Tanith, Stell, Midnight, Miss Kitty and Blackie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh no, we'z adding purrs and purrayers fur sez dis is horrible, but, she sez dat when yoo haf more den one pet sometimes all da bad comes at yoo at once and makes yoo a little bit crazy. So, we is saying purrs fur yoo too.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We feel so sad for all of you. You have been fighting so hard for Moki and now you might have to help Sissy to the bridge.

Purrs and tail wags -- and {{{hugs}}} from Jan

The Florida Furkids said...

How sad that this had to happen while you are going through so much with Moki. (((Hugs))) We're sending extra purrs to you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Forever Foster said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy. Know that we are holding you in our hearts, and we will be with you in spirit when you are at the vet.

PB 'n J said...

Oh Sissy, that looks painful! We hope that you don't have to go, but understand if you have to cross the bridge. We'll be purring for you and sending hugs to your Mom Crystal.

Pearl, Bert and Jake

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrs and hugs to you Sissy!!! And to Mom Crystal!! You are in our prayers!!
Your FL furiends

The Island Cats said...

We are so sad to hear about all are in our thoughts and prayers....

Daisy said...

I am so sorry. Our thoughts are with you and Moki and Sissy.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no! Our hearts are just breaking for you. We are purring and purring, sending tons of good thoughts and even more hugs for all of you.

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Poor Sissy and your poor family. We hope that she's not in pain and we're so very sorry that she's going through this. Poor sweet girl!

Sending prayers and purrs and human hugs of support.

Charlemagne and Tamar
(and Momma Colleen)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor Sissy! I am still sending special purrs for Sissy, Moki and your family.

Nomi said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs from me and nose rubs from Aoise.

Everycat said...

I'm so very sorry, poor Sissy.

Sending purrs and love to Sissy

Whicky Wuudler

Anonymous said...

oh, we's firin' up our purrers right now for sissy! xingxing had an abscess at the base of her tail an' it bursted wifout mom knowin' it was there--but the vettie cleaned it up an' she was ok. we was askeert to look at the picture, an' mom said she was, too. but we is purrin' for a merrycul for sissy, just like moki!

hugs & purrs
ed, nitro, an' xingxing

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are purring hard to give you strength, and sending purrs for Moki and Sissy.(((Hugs))) for all of you.

The Florida Furkids said...

(((Hugs))) Our eyes are leaking and we have heavy hearts. We're so sorry to hear about Sissy. Please make sure you take time to care for yourself. With Moki's illness and Sissy's passing you need to be careful not to get sick too.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Ikaika said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your sweet Sissy and send you comforting thoughts and gentle purrs.

'Kaika's mom

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh poor Sissy. I am so sad to hear this news but she is now at the Bridge with no pain.
And Moki? How are you doing?

Niko and Cloud said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy. Cancer is such a terrible disease. Know that Texas and many other sweet CB kitties were there at the Bridge to greet her.

Lux said...

Many hugs to you; we are so sorry to hear of Sissy passing. Are you doing okay? This is an awful lot to deal with. :(

Margaret Cloud said...

How very sad for Sissy, but when they no lpnger can be well it is best, I write this with tears because within a week we have lost two furries to the Bridge, I will say a prayer for Sissy, she is already playing at the Bridge, no more pain.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Crystal, I am so sorry. You did all you could for Sissy but eventually we have to let our pets go. As you did with Sissy. And it's so hard.


Maggie May said...

We are so sad to hear about Sissy. We will be praying for you during this very sad time.
~The Creek Cats~

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are so sad to hear about Sissy. And we remain so concerned about Moki! This must be very hard for you. We are sendin all the purrs we can for all of you...

The Cat Realm said...

We are so sorry. You are really having your plate full at the moment. Even if you knew that Sissy might lose her battle - it still is so sad to lose her, and her absence will leave such a big hole... Our hearts are going out to you, and our Anastasia and Emil will give Sissy a nice welcome on the bridge!
As for us - we are still in a pile on top of Moki! And we'll stay there until he is better!!!
And now we will get some raffle tickets - if a lot of cats give a little it will hopefully help you out a bit!!!!
Purrs for you and Moki!

Whimpurr said...

Rest in sweet slumber, dear Sissy! :o(

Prayers still coming for Moki! (((HUGS)))

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ohhhh nooo Mom Crystal, we are so, so sorry about Sissy, our eyes are all leaking so very much. You are going through way too much heartache right now. As you said,
Sissy is no longer in pain, and just remember that she will always live on in your heart to bring you comfort and joy. We are sending our strongest purrs and purrayers to help you get over this terrible loss, and to help Moki get better really, really soon ...
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We are so sorry. You're all in our purrs and purrayers. You've been through so much, we're sendin' love and headbutts.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. You did what was best and she fought gracefully. (((( hugs ))))

Mommy Bean Laure

We is sending headbutts and purrs to you alls too!


I can give sloppy licks to help yoo all.

I is Jake!

Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you on your loss of Sissy. She is at The Bridge and free of pain. She can play with all of our blogging buddies who have gone before.

Continuing purrs for Moki as well.

Samantha & Mom said...

Sweet Dreams Sissy!! We are so sorry for your loss Crystal! She is with all our furiends now!! (((((Hugssss for you and Moki)))))))
Your FL furiends,

The Meezers or Billy said...

we are so very sorry about Sissy. we are purring for your whole family.

Sissy, we will not say goodbye, instead we will just say "See you at the Bridge"

Karen said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We were purring today for her. And we are still purring for Moki

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are so sorry and heartbroken for you with the loss of your little girl. We have lit a candle for her.

Hugs and purrs.

SophieKitty said...

We are so sorry for all you are going through. Sending many purrs, headbutts and prayers your way.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Sissy.With all that is going on,this must be very distressing for you. We are happy that she is not in pain and that she will join all our friends at the Bridge. We are glad her passing was peaceful.
We continue to purr for Moki.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Anonymous said...

Little Big Man:

We are so sorry for your loss of Sissy. Are prayers are with your family and especially Moki. We check hourly for your updates. We just cannot imagine all you are having to endure. Stay strong and hold hope, the kitty blogging world is behind you!
Purrs and Headbutts to you and your family.

Pumpkin said...

Oh no, we're so sorry that Sissy had to go to The Bridge but at leest she's not in pain anymore. Lotsa purrs sent to yoo and Moki frum Hah-why-eee.

Motor Home Cats said...

We were so sorry to hear about Sissy. We know how hard you fought for her, and we know how much she was loved.

We are purring that Moki's tests show something.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy. She was very loved, and has given you the precious gift of sweet memories. We're sending lots of hugs and purrs. We're also sending lots of healing purrs to Moki.

Sassy Kat said...

Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that Sissy went to the bridge. It is hard when one of our loves goes to the bridge but find some comfort that they are free forever of illness and are waiting to be with you someday. My heart is heavy with this news and also with worry about Moki. I am praying really hard that Moki gets better.

Willow said...

We were so sorry to hear about Sissy. We are sending over soft healing purrs to your family and more purrs for Moki.

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Ozzie said...

Dear Moki's mom:
Brownie, Stella and me are very sorry about your loss, we all know what is to lose a beloved pet. I think I'll do a memorial for her, Sissy was special for her friends...

I hope Moki get well soon, figth Moki, figth! If you did before, you can do it now!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We are so sorry to hear that Sissy has gone to the Bridge. You are in our thoughts during this difficult time. I am still purring and purring hard for Mokin to get better.

Forty Paws said...

We are so sorry about Sissy. This must have been hard to deal with in addition to Moki. We're sending you lots of hugs and purrs and purrayers.

Luf, Us

Black Cat said...

Oh, I'm so very sorry for your loss of Sissy. At least she is now free of pain at the Bridge. Also Moki's condition is worrying. I hope they can find what is wrong and that he can have healing treatment for whatever it is. This is such a hard time for you all. My thoughts are with you and I send gentle hugs. xxx

The Florida Furkids said...

Purring as hard as we can that they find an answer to Moki's problems from the urine culture.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Meowers from Missouri said...

woe. we is so furry sorry that sissy has left us. our hearts is breakin' in time wif yours, even though we knows we will see her again. (BIG HUGS and *** nosekisses)

all us beans an' furs are purrin' an' purrrayin' for you all in this time of sorrow an' distress. we blesses you wif our love, an' hopes for a better tomorrow.

ed, nitro, xing, cocoa, & mm & md

The Island Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy...she is running free at the have our heartfelt sympathies.

We are purraying for Moki and hoping they can figure out what is going on with him...

Wally, Ernie & Zoey
and mom Sue

Beau said...

Oh we are soooo sorry this happened the way it did, and at this time. Our deepest, most heartfelt purrrrs and prayers are with you during this time of loss.
We will definitely be praying that the culture brings some answers. Poor Sissy! We are here for you! PS. We couldn't look at the picture.

Nina Torbie said...

We are so, so sorry to hear about Sissy! You gave her the best of care, and now she will watch over all of you, always. Our hearts go out to you! And we're still purring for Moki and adding our heat to the nap pile.
Hugs and purrs,
Nina, Victor, & Tabbymom Jen

Southbaygirl said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy! You are never prepared for them leaving us-even when they have been sick! I just went thru this a week ago with my Winton. My heart goes out to you!! I am so very sorry!! I'm so very glad you were there for Sissy!! She knew she was loved so much!

Rest in Peace sweet Sissy....look for Winton at the Rainbow Bridge

Purrs and purayers

Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Angel Winton, Velcro the dog and Mom Penny

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear. We were just rereading your post on Sissy from a few months ago. We had forgotten she was originally your boyfriend's and he's had her for 16 years. We came back to express sympathy to your boyfriend too. This was a hard day for him too.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah No....:(
I am so so sorry to hearing about this.
I am so sorry.
I am purring and praying for Sissy,
I am sure Sissy now is happy at the bridge playing with other brothers and sisters~~
Big big hugs to you!

CRIZ LAI said...

I'm glad that Moki had shown no sign of danger. Thanks for taking care of him so well Crystal. :)

I'm also sorry to hear that Sissy had to be helped to the bridge. :(

Max said...

Oh man..I am so so sorry about Sissy. I'm not gonna click through because I wanna remember her in the first pictures... but dang. :(

Anonymous said...

Our deepest condolences! Rest in peace Sissy!
we know it is so hard to let a dear furry chould go even if one thinks to be prepared and knows it willbe for the better!


If we can purray and purr Moki outta this we will! We hope you find something soon to help him.

all our love too yuo all

Poppy Q said...

Dear Moki family, what a tough week for you all. We will continue to purr for wee Moki, and will send you some hugs too. Sorry to hear about sweet Sissy - we are glad to know that you were able to be there to help her to the bridge, and to send her off with your love.

Big hugs from New Zealand.

Poppy and mum Q

Cat Naps in Italy said...

I am just heart broken for you all. I just know that all of Sissy's friend (including my Roscoe) were waiting at the bridge to greet her.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time and we are also prayer for swee Moki.

Opus and his human, Cyndi

Renae & Count Chocula said...

We are all so very sorry for your loss. We can't begin to imagine the pain you are feeling during this time. We will continue to send purrs and prayers your way.

Everycat said...

We are so sorry that Sissy had to be helped to the Bridge, but glad that she is no longer suffering. We send you all, love and purrs.

Whicky & family.

Daisy said...

I am so sorry for the loss of Sissy, and send you my most sincere sympathy.

I am glad Moki's bloodwork is okay, and I hope there is something simple and easy to treat found on the urine culture.


You have been given so much to handle in the past few weeks and the mountain seems to keep making steep uphill climbs. We are so sorry to hear about Sissy and our hearts break for this news, but we are comforted by her being at peace and out of discomfort. She was well loved and surrounded by that love to carry her to the Bridge where she was met by all of those who came before.

Our thoughts and purrayers still lie with Moki and we are hoping that an answer to his dilemmna will soon appear...

{{{HUGS and purrayers}}}}

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie and Mom Debra

Kaz's Cats said...

We're so sorry to see that Sissy had to be helped to the Bridge. Our hearts go out to all of you, her family at this very tough time. We'll keep purring and purraying for all of you, and especially for litle Moki. Our hope is that the v-e-t-s can work out how to help him best.

{{big hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha & Kaz (Mum)

Niko and Cloud said...

Couldn't it be that it's not showing up in the culture because of the antibiotic?

Tesla and Hansel said...

when mommeh read alla dis, we cried. We got all leaky. We feel so bad fur yoo.

poor little sissy. We are very saddened by dis noos.

But at least she won't suffer anymore, and next time you all meet at the bridge- she will be happy and peaceful.

Donna said...

I am very sorry. Rest in peace, Sissy.

Lots of snuggles to Moki.

My Littel Island said...

this news is killing me so i cant think what it is doing to u all My dog did the same thin as Sissy I am so sorry for your lost of this beautiful flu baby but now we know she is not in pain I pray your pain will get better w/ time GOD Bless LOA and all my 8 fur bays

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

We're so very sorry that Sissy had to go to the Bridge. She knew how much you all loved her and now she is free from pain.

Purrs of support for you all during this hard time and purrs that the Vets can figure out what needs to be done to get Moki better.

Purr, purr, purr, purr, purr.....

Charlemagne and Tamar

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so sorry Sissy had to go, but at least she is healthy now. We are sending tons and tons of purrs to all of you!

wildcatwoods said...

Sending Reiki light and love to Sissy on the other side and to Moki and your family.

Cheri and the cats @Wildcat Woods

Artsy Catsy said...

Our hearts are breaking for you, Mom Crystal. We're so very sorry about Sissy and we're sending our biggest, warmest, healing, comforting purrs to you and Moki.

& all of us at Artsy Catsy

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about Sissy. She is resting peaceful now.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh no, we are so sorry for your loss. We know how much Sissy meant to you. We are are sending many comforting purrs, prayers and hugs to you.

We will also purr and pray for good news about Moki. Purrrrrrrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are so sorry Sissy lost her brave fight, but now she is pain free and can run and play happily again.
We send more purrs for Moki.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so very sorry about Sissy. Sending you purrs and hugs, and more purrs for Moki.

The Florida Furkids said...

Checking in for a Moki update.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Oh, no we are so very sorry about Sissy. Our eyes are leaking and our hearts are breaking.

Sending purrs and prayers for your family and also for Moki.

Lucy & Trixie

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are very sorry that Sissy had to be helped to the bridge.

Moki, hang in there. We aure purring/praying for you to get well ASAP and that they can find out what is wrong without additional testing.

Purrs for all of you, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Alasandra

Chesney Cats said...

We are so sorry about Sissy. You are in our hearts & our purrayers.
We are still purring as hard as we can for Moki & hope you get some good news soon.

God bless you all,
Sammy, Festus, Emma & Mama Rhonda

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so sorry to read of Sissy's passing, but grateful that it was peaceful.
Prayers continue for Moki.
~ The Bunch