Well Moki has been hanging in there. After everything he has been through, he has been doing pretty good we must admit. The URI which was very mild to begin with, seems to be clearing up, the UTI is gone, but we are still facing one remaining problem, Moki continues to be constipated. Normally we just give Moki a little bit of milk and that seems to get things moving, but the milk has stopped working at this point, and Moki keeps trying to pass a bowel movement, but just doesn't seem able to. We place him in the litter box and he shakes like normal, but nothing happens, so it's back to the vet we go. We have an appointment at 11:15 today, and will let you know what the doctor says upon our return.
Our auction to help out Misty, Beau, Billy Sweetfeets, Criz Cats and Moki, ended last night. For those who placed a bid and won an item (the highest bid per item wins,) you can submit your payment to us via our Paypal account. Once all the money is in it will then be divided between everyone. We will be re-raffling the items not yet bidded on starting tomorrow. Thanks to all of you who placed a bid to help these kitties out!
The Good and Bad of Moki's Most Recent Vet Visit:
Ok, well let me start with the good news. We got out of the vets office today for under $100.00! Can you believe it!!! We where so stunned momma bean almost fainted...hehe!
Now for the bad news. Moki temperature is continuing to remain low at 99 degrees. He is somewhat constipated but not to bad at this point, so our vet recommended giving him Laxatone and Metamucil. We are going to try combining the two to see if we can get things moving. Since the steriod we last gave him had both positive and negative side effects, we have opted to try Delta Albaplex, another stronger steriod, but we are trying it at a much lower dose. We are hoping that the positive effects will far out weigh the negative ones. With any luck, the Delta Albaplex, might help raise Moki's temperature, as well as have a positive effect on Moki's shaking when he goes to the bathroom. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed. Now here is the biggest downer, Moki has lost approximately a quarter of a pound, which would be about 10% of his body weight. At 5 pds he is already very tiny for his age, and can't afford to be losing weight, so we are going to try to beef him up a bit, and get him to regain the weight loss by feeding him a combination of A/D and kitten food 2 to 3 times a day. Lets keep our fingers crossed that the combination works, and that we start to see weight gain real soon!
Poor Moki, it's always something, isn' it sweetie? Well, we are very glad that the two bad infections have cleared. Would something like Laxatone help you in the pottybox? We're still praying for you!
Oh, Moki, you are having such a time. We hope this "new" problem will be over today.
Thank goodness the URI and the UTI are cleared up. But poop problems are no fun either. I am purring for good pooping!
Have you tried canned pumpkin yet? Our vet said to give me that when I was consitapatered, and it's now my favorite people food! NOM NOM NOM
Your Buddy,
Our mom agrees with Niko, Moki, about trying some canned pumpkin. It worked very well for the ones who came before. Also, if you are taking Metamucil or some kind of fiber like psyllium, be sure you drink enough water.
Get better soon, Moki!
Purrs and headbutts,
Poor Moki, fix one problem and get another. Purrrrrring for poo. Yes, the Metamucil without lots of water will set up like concrete. Try to avoid that if possible, pumpkin sounds better anyway. Tastes better too.
Mog and Meowza
Dear Moki, all the cats at Possumlady Place could stand to lose a little weight. So, we will send you 1/2 pound per cat. That should beef you up by four pounds!!!
Constipation is no fun!! We keep Gentle Digest by Ark Naturals on hand to sprinkle on their food. It has both probiotics and prebiotics to regulate your tummy. Good for both constipation and the runs. Always works for us. Good luck!!!
And the battle goes on....
We will keep purring and purring for you Moki! We are very glad the UTI and URI are gone.
We are also sending warming thoughts!
We're so happy to hear that the UTI and the URI are gone. We agree - Pumpkin for Poops!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I am so glad that the URI and the UTI are gone. I am sending you warm thoughts and prayers for poop. Keep fighting, Moki.
We are still purring for you Moki, God bless you. We hopes you have a purrfect Sunday too.
Moki, we are always purraying for you! You are such a brave trooper!
Nermal, Nico, Virgil, Westley, & Mags.
We're still purraying for Moki and hoping he can gain a little weight...
....fingers and toesies crossed.....
Purring for Poops, Moki! And sending lots of warm snuggles to bring your temperature up.
We're purring for you Moki!! eat that kitten food and gain weight!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
I'm puwwing and puwwing and puwwing and puwwing and puwwing for Moki!
Come to mine purrthday on 17 dec! I is going to become a BIG MAN CAT then!
Could Mama Bean please contact me? I couldn't find a contact form or email, so using this comment form :)
anne@thecatsite.com for the blog contest for which you were recommended here:
Thanks, and all the best to sweet Moki - hoping for some potty relief for you soon!
Only 5 pounds? We did realize you were so tiny, Moki! We are very glad the URI and the UTI are cleared up> We will be purring for poop, normal temperature and gaining some weight, little buddy!
Moki We are glad that the URI and UTI is all clear and we will continue to purr for you to be completely 100% back to normal and feelin like your ol self...we ummm used the donate button on your MokiJo design to pay for our christmas auction #3 we hopes we did the right thing...fank you...if not yoo can let Momma knows at her emale address which is on da pay pal page...
the boyz and i are chanting, 'go moki go...'
Hi Moki. We hope that you are doing a lot better and we are wishing you all the best. We gave you an award on our bloggie so pick it up when you can. Our mom is amazed by what your mom does for you and she loves to see you in all your clothes.
-Patches and Nemo
Moki, we hope you gain weight. You aren't supposed to be getting smaller, you are supposed to be getting bigger. We love all of your new clothes. You look very cute and very warm in them.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Hi, Moki, hope you are feeling better and warmer today.
We left you and your Mom Crystal an award... check it out on ours bloggie.
Love and Purrs,
Our best purrs for Moli and Bella at this time...
Wow. Well, I'll keep purring for him. I probably eat enough for both of us, and I'm sure I could spare a pound or two if he wants it! On a side note, Because Moki has such GREAT Catittude, I have given him an award! w00t! Stop on by my humble little blog to pick it up! I know it won't help with the constipation, but maybe it will make him feel a little better, spirit wise, ya know?
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