Orange Boy is still with us. His face is still badly swollen and he is very warm to the touch. I think he is probably running a fairly high temperature. We have been giving him Metacam to help with the pain and Clavamox to help with the swelling. We will be seeing our regular vet this afternoon at 3:00. We will let everyone know what our regular vet has to say upon our return. Thanks everyone for your continued prayers.

(This is the most recent picture taken of Orange Boy and shows the full extent to which he can open his eyes. His face is not puffy because he is looking down. This is the actual size of his face do to the swelling...)
Oh orange boy, I am sending a thousand purrs across the ocean to you. Please get better soon buddy. We need you, Moki needs you.
My mum was just leaving a comment for you on the last post - we was just sending some moneys to you. Now we is sending get well wishes too.
Poppy Q and mum
Orange Boy, Moki and mom, we will be purring and thinking of you guys all night. Please try and get some rest next to your little buddy.
Your friends.
Poppy Q and mum
Oh Orange Boy, we wish you all the best! Be strong, you will make it and play with Moki soon!
Me again, we found this website :
Maybe you could put a message on their message board regarding the scratching post you are after.
Smooches, and we are going to bed now, but will check in in the morning.
Poppy and mum Q
Hello, Orange Boy. *gentle pat*
We hope you get better real soon, u is a fighter we know and believe you will get over this!
We send our kitty purrs and power to u *raise paws and unite*
Love to all at Moki's home,
3 Stooges & Mach
We're purring and purraying really hard for you to get all better Orange Boy - hang in there big guy! Our thoughts are with all of your family too, 'cos we know it's hard for everyone in your family.
Gentle headbutts
Gypsy & Tasha (& Karen)
KC said...
Orange Boy, we's all purring and purraying fur you to make a full recovery. Wish we Sherwood cats had been there, we'd help you whoop that stoopid snake.
You take care of yourselfs an listen to your Mommy Crystal, okay.
I's also gonna post this on tha Pet Purrs & Purrayers bloggie.
An keep us posted...
Love, KC
pee ess...
I's betting money you did whoop that nasty snake yourselfs...
Purrs, KC
Ouch ouch ouch!!! Get well soon, that doesn't look comfy at all. I recommend lots of snuggles and belly rubs.
I am purraying as hard as I can for Orange Boy!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh Orange Boy!!! I hope you are on the mend. That is horrible, a snakebite!! I know I love to hang outside but it is scary sometimes.
purrs for a quick recovery.
From another orange fella,
We will be purrring and praying for you to get well quick, Orange Boy!
We hope you post good news soon!
~ Noah
We just hearded and camed rushin ovur. Poor Orange Boy! We are purring SO hard for yoo to get well fast!
Alla Us Hotties
Alla us Purries from Purrchance To Dream are purring for ya, Orange Boy!
Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Jazper, Little Isis, and Not the Mama
O no i pry for u and hope make it u sweet boy and u will newr go out side after this
We are purring and praying that you get better really quick, Orange Boy! That must have been really frightening!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Oh my! We are sooo sorry about this. How horrible! Mummy is so shocked - a snake!
We are purring for you to please get better really fast. This is very scary.
Purrs, Sukie, Livvie & Mitzi X
Poor Orange Boy! We are purring & praying, too. We hope that you'll be OK since the ER vet let you go home!
Hi there, Orange Boy--I am so sorry that a scary rattlesnake bit you. You are very, very brave. I hope you get through this and are feeling better soon. I'm sending you lots of purrs and furs.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
orange boy is in my prayers. i hope he is OK.
Oh we just heard the ews = we'll be purring for Orange Boy!
Oh, Orange Boy, we wish we could make that terrible bite - and that terrible snake - just disappear! We've all revved up our biggest purrs and our strongest purrayers to send your way all day today, non-stop, with lots of extras for your worried mom.
& everykitty at Artsy Catsy
Oh Orange Boy, dat looks fury painful. Mom sez dat sometimes snakes make fun toys but dey is danjerus! We'z gonna purray furry hard fur yoo to get all better.
We just read about Orange Boy!
we are here to offer our strongest purrrs and purrayers to help him get well again.
Orange Boy you gotta fight for Moki and your momma Crystal they need you!!
love, Kashim & Othello
Oh no!!
Orange Boy, I hope you get all better!
I will purr for all of you!
Outside is soooo dangerous!
KC said...
Jus checking back to see if there be any noos on Orange Boy.
Him's a fighter and we's all purring fur yous.
i's also put up a post on mine Mancat Monday in honor of brave Orange Boy.
Love & Purrs,
A friend of ours, a white cat named Yoda, was bitten in the head by a rattlesnake before. His head swelled up to twice the size. A friend gave him some Bach flower remedy but no on can remember which one it was..... and I think they also gave him liquid Benedryl (check with the VET for that). As for Homeopathics you can give him Lachesis mutus and Arnica montana, first one then the other and repeat.
After two weeks Yoda was o.k. again....
We are purring as never before!!!!!
Karl and the rest
We just heard about Orange Boy. We really hope he made it through the night and we are purraying our hearts out for him to get well!
Orange Boy
We are purrin and purrin and purrin. We hopes you had a restful night and we will be very concerned until we learn you are completely out of danger.
Jinx and
Orange Boy, I am sending over my very strongest purrs today that you will be OK after that nasty snake bit you.
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Here come my strongest healing purrs over to you, Orange Boy! Bad, old, nasty snake to bite such a nice ginger boy! My sister-cat, China Cat, is a ginger girl and she is purring with me for your health.
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
Purrs to you Orange Boy! I hope you are doing okay!
Sending massive massive amounts of good mojo Orange Boys way. I will pray and keep my fingers crossed that he is ok. Please update when you can.
.....O-B....I am bending over and saluting you with my best moon....get well moon.....
Orange Boy, let's just hope that the rattlesnake bite was indeed dry and that this doesn't even effect one of your nine lives. We're all thinking good thoughts for you and your two-legged friends.
Poor Orange Boy! What a horrible experience! We are purring and praying hard for you. Hugs and purrs for your family as well.
Oh Orange Boy, you look like one sore pusscat. Moki, get your Senior Nurse uniform on please, your bro' needs you. Sending you love Orange Boy, for a quick recovery xx
Oh no - how horrible for you! We're sending lots of love and get well purrrrrrs, and we'll be checking back all day for updates.
oh Orange Boy, we are purraying very hard for you to get well.
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrrr
we will check back later for updates
We are purring and purring that Orange Boy will be ok!!
Oh dear! This is awful! I will pray and purr and pray and purr!
Please be OK Orange Boy!
Be well, Orange Boy! You're furry brave. An give yur Mom sum purrs cuz she's scared.
Sending healing purrrrrss and a gentle {hug} to Orange Boy.
Sending many purrs and purayers for you OB!!! A snake bite is no fun at all! My Danny Boy went after a snake and injured it pretty bad, trying to protect his family too. But, it wasn't a big 'ole rattlesnake. How brave you were! Get well quick, okay?!
PS: Sending a big group {{hug}} to momma Crystal, who probably could use it.
dear brofur in fur: i am purring wif all my might for you to be OK furry soon!! us orange kitties must stick togefur--purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! you were furry brave to tackle that ol' rattler an' waller him round inna dirt.
--nitro s pierce
oh, dear, oh, dear! orange boy, we hope you passed a restful night, an' let the power of purr an' purrrayer work on you!! bless you, kitty boy!!
nels, ed, and xing lu
We are purring our hardest that Orange Boy will be okay.
I'm sending many get well purrrs your way. I havent met Moki or Orange Boy, I am new here...but, I dont like seeing kitties who are hurt. It makes my mommy sad and I think she almost cried when she saw Orange Boys pictures. We hope he gets better very soon. XOXO
~Gizmo & Mommy April
Dear Orange Boy please get well again, you can do it! We are purring and praying as hard as we can for you.
Mindy & Moe
Orange Boy I am purraying really hard that you get better quickly!
Oh, no. Jan just got home and turned on the computer to download the shelter photos and there was your message and several others telling us about Orange Boy.
We are purring and praying for him. We will keep checking for updates.
Hello Orange Boy, you have to get well soon! Me is purring really hard! Me and mommy made a Get well Banner for you...it´s on our bloggie!Just follow de linkie.. Hope you mommy doesn´t mind us using you picture...me is so happy that we don´t have rattlesnakies here in Germany...and all my furryfriends are keeping there teosies crossed for you!
Dear Orange Boy, we are purrring very hard for you! Please get well!
Your FL furiends,
Oh, no! Be Ballicai are purrin as hard as we can fur preshus Orange Boy! Keep us updated!
Sending love and hope to you and yur fambly -- MaoMao and the Ballicai!
I'm so sorry to hear this! I am sending my strongest healing purrs to Orange Boy!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Orange Boy, please stay strong and get all better soon! You are so brave to face the mean old snake. I am sending my strongest and best healing purrs.
Oh Orange Boy, how scary this story is! I will send lots and lots of healing purrs to you.
our strongest purrs & purrayers for orange boy & mommy crystal to eal & comfort you,
-meaouwy troops-
Orange Boy we are purring and praying for you to be all better. I have never had a snake put the bitey on me but I bet it hurts!
Our hearts are breaking for you, Orange Boy, but more importantly, we are purring and praying that you'll fully recover from this. Doctors' medicines are better and better each day, and we're praying they will know what to do and how to help you get better.
Grace & Company
We're back again - checking for updates and purring for your complete recovery. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
we are checking in. we are glad Orange Boy is still with us and will continue to keep him in our purrs and prayers until he is all better.
We are sending purrs for OB - We will check back in this evening to see how the VET appt. went.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh, the poor guy. The updated photo is sad. But we're still hoping for the best for him. Perhaps the vet will have some positive news.
Orange Boy, I just heard the mews straight from Beau and came right over. Purrs and Headbutts to you. Mommie and I are eagerly awaiting the good mews that we know is to come!
Poor baby! Just checking back...
Oh no, I'm sorry the bad snakey fing put the bitey on yu. Sending yu lots of purrs so yu get better. I'm glad Hah-why-eee duzzent haff snakey fings.
You keep fightin' Orange Boy and we'll keep purrayin'!!!
Love and purrs!
Laila, Lilly and Peggy
Poor kitty! I just heard and rushed over. I am purring and purring and purring for you. Hope you get better soon. Will check back later.
Jus checking back to see if there's an update.
BTW, mine Daddy Charley's momma grew up in east texas out in tha country. she's had lotsa cats cause they had lots of snakes, including rattlers. Cats be good at killing snakes and good at not letting tha poison get to 'em. Jus thot i's mention that.
Purrs, KC
Just checking back in for an update, and there is one. We are sorry your sweet little face is so swollen! We are purraying and purraying. Do you need an ice pack to get your temperature down?
Will check back in later for an update after you see the v-e-t.
Ijust got this message fwom my sissy Sassy, I am hewe to add my pwayews to all the pothews..sending healing smoochie kisses..stay stwong owange boy!!! we awe all wooting fow you
Orange Boy-
We are sending you healing purrs and prayers!!
-The McKitten-Cats
come on Orange Boy! you can do it - PLEASE get better!!! I insist xxx
Whenever there is swelling, everyone thinks of an ice pack. We looked up snake bites today and were surprised to find you shouldn't use ice. We really need to brush up on our first aid since we never know when one of us might have a serious injury.
One thing we did learn is that a snake bite is PAINFUL! Poor Orange Boy. He's fortunate, though, in that he has a home and humans who rushed him to a vet and are so concerned they couldn't even sleep.
We've got our paws crossed, he'll be okay. And you humans too.
We are purraying and purraying fur Orange Boy!!!! I hope hope hope he'll be all right!
just checking in again. puurrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss
We are purring very hard for Orange Boy, we hope he is over the worst of it and will improve rapidly. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
updates? updates? where are the updates?
We are sending squillions of positive healing thoughts to Orange Boy. Get Well! We mean it! Purrs.
We are also sending squillinos of purrs and purrayers to you Orange Boy!
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