Sunday, November 16, 2008

Urine Sample Day 2

It's a little past 7:00 a.m. here and we wanted to give everyone yet another update. I collected another urine sample from Moki to look for any signs of improvement. As of this morning Moki's UTI appears to be about the same. His current body temp is 99.7. Lets all hope and pray that we can get his body temp back up into the hundreds (a normal body temperature range for a cat is between 100-102.5.)


It's 10:49. We just took Moki's temp and it is 98.7. We are in the chatzy room if you want to join us.

______________2nd UPDATE________________

It's 1:39 and Moki and I have been laying down ever since his temperature dropped this morning. I had him all wrapped up in blankets and held him close to me. I also turned back on the heating pad. It was my hope that between the heating pad, and holding him close, my body heat in addition to the heat coming off the pad would warm him up. The good news is that the plan worked. His temp is now 100.4. Still not quite normal but out of the danger zone for the minute.
_____________3rd UPDATE_________________

There isn't much to report at the momentt but we thought we would share these cute pictures we took of Moki a few minutes ago while sleeping. As you can see, he continues to remain bundled up.
_____________4th UPDATE_________________

The purrs and prayers are working. It's 5:57 and I just took Moki's temp again. It is is 100.4, which means it has remained steady since 1:39 this afternoon. YA!
_____________5th UPDATE_________________
As of tonight, there appears to be no improvement to Moki's urine. Below is a picture of Moki's latest urine sample.


The Cat Realm said...

Moki - we are PURRRRRRRRRRING and PURRRRRRING!!! Sending Reiki and good thoughts. Hang in there buddy, we love you!!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Major PURRRRRRRRING going on here in Florida. Please get better soon Moki.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Moki, we is purring and purraying very hard fur yoo. We are sending yoo lots of warmth (some stolen from mom) to help yoo get yoor body temp back up! Yoo can do it Moki, we is all behind yoo!

Parker said...

We have had a candle lit for him to send him love and warmth. We keep praying for him as well.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are purring and Jan is praying for Moki. We know you must be exhausted staying up all night with Moki, plus the worry. We are hoping his temp will go back up again!

Daisy said...

Oh Moki, hang on little buddy! I am purring and purring my very best healing purrs. My thoughts are with you.

Dma said...

we are continuing to pray for moki... get well soon lil guy.

Tesla and Hansel said...

hai- mom bean here- i know at work when we have animals with low body temps- we use heating things to warm them up. Do you have any kind of hot water bottle you can fill with lots of warm water? Make sure its not too hot- wrap it in towels, wrap moki in towels, and put it under his body! it'll keep him some what warm. Try that! You gotta keep fighting moki, its not time to give up yet! you've come to far!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Moki! We are so worried about you. Maybe your beans can wrapt a warm water bottle with a towel and help warm you up. Or a bean heating pad on low and covered in towels?

We are purring and praying for you!!

The Island Cats said...

Moki! We are purraying so very hard for you!

PB 'n J said...

Oh Moki - we're purring and purring for you, please get better!

Forty Paws said...

Oh Moki! We are sending you tons and tons of purrs and purrayers from all of us here at 40 Paws! Hang in there little buddy!

Luf, Us & Maw

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

When my sisfur was sick, mama put her next to her heart and put a comforter around the both of them to help raise my sisfur's temp. It was a good snuggle time and I think that helped, too. Fleece or warm thermal blankies help, too. Hold on Moki!
Purrrrrrrs and (((hugs)))

brandi and even her neighbor Mystery, and of course, mama Carol.

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh Moki, I have my whole staff sending you our very warmest purrs & purrayers ... and all ten of us, including Mr. Milky, are on our way over right now to flop into the big nap pile to warm you up!!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Moki we are purring and purring for you. We have come to join the nap pile to help get your temperature up.

Southbaygirl said...

Moki...we are purring for you!!!! We wish we could send you are warm bodies to help get your temp up!!!!

Purrs and purayers from all of us!

Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Angel Winton and mom Penny

Anonymous said...

Dearest Moki,
We have come to cuddle in your nap pile, and QM has lit incense and candles as well...

QM Queen Emily, TRH Prince Brutus and Princess Marigold

Jans Funny Farm said...

Moki, Here we are for your nap pile to help keep you warm. All 9 of us are signing in! The woofies will take the very outer fringes of the pile so they don't squish any kitties -- especially you, Moki.

JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We're all here for the nap pile - Smeagol, Strider, Gizmo, Who, our Uncle Rusty and Aunt Carly (woofie).

Mystery is here too, but since she's an iguana, she won't really help with keepin' warm, so she'll stay off to the side with her heat lamp (she doesn't want to take any of the heat away from Moki). She brought an extra heat lamp to help keep the pile warm, too.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are all here for you Moki. We are joining your nap pile and will help keep you warm.

~~Napoleon, Bandit, Miss Emily, Sara, Maggie Mae, Noah, Timothy, Anna Sue, Gracie and KittyBoy.

Purrrrring and Momma is praying.
Gentle ((((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

All 6 of us are here for the nap pile to keep you warm. Our cousins GW and LG are going to come and join in too. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

We 8 (well, 7, since Noel only likes to cuddle with us beans, not other cats) kitties would like to hug you, Moki, to keep you warm. Hang in there, buddy. You've been through so much before we know you can get over whatever is attacking you now! love, Queen, Bogart, George & Gracie, Ron & Pat and Lucy. (CampStanhope)

Everycat said...

We wrap you and your Mom in warm purrs and love Moki.

Whicky, Angel, Oliver , Gerry & Jane xx

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrrrs, purrrrrs, purrrrr and more purrrr to Moki!! We will join the nap pile to help keep him warm!! Your FL furiends,

Nomi said...

C'mon Moki. Hang in there and fight off this pesky infekshun. I know you can do it ! I am sending pawsitif thawts and purrayers.

Millie said...

I'm purring for you Moki! Hang in there buddy. Let me help keep you warm.

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

Hi Moki...we are here to nap pile with you to keep you warm. We are also giving you (((HUGS)))

The Florida Furkids said...

We're here for the nap pile too. We're bringing some warm, Florida Sun for you too.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mr. Hendrix said...

I'm here with my blanket for the nap pile. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

Lux said...

I'm here for the nap pile, and I've brought Silky and Ninna along with me. We've each brought warm, soft blankies.

Asta said...

I came by to help keep Moki wawm..Mommi says I'm like a fuwnace..I hope it helps
healing smoochie kisses

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dear Moki boy,
Now I iz gonna say dats you justee gots to gets better dear boy. We has gots to all satyz & purr & we willz... & den you iz gonna gets better fur sure!

Rascal said...

Purring for you Moki. I have Feline Lymphoma, so I know what it's like to be sick.

Maggie May said...

Moki, we are purring real hard for you buddy!!! Sending healing vibes your way!
~The Creek Cats~

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I'm sure you already know that warm blankets and the such may help his body temp and if so are they working?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Moki, I am purring really really hard for you. I am adding my floofy self onto the kitty pile to keep you warm.

Sassy Kat said...

We are praying really hard that Morki gets better. This is such a stressful time and all we can do is send our best wishes and prayers. Keep letting Moki know that he is loved and keep him warm. Please Morki get well!!!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We can't chat right now as our humans are very busy, but we wanted to let you know we are purring for you and will be more then happy to join the fur pile to keep you warm. We will bring Mommy's electric throw with us and turn it up to high. You can lay on it Moki and we will all get nice and toasty. ~S,S & C

The Lee County Clowder said...

Hey, Moki & Crystal. We're here, all six of us, to pile on to the nap pile. We even brought a heating pad in case we need it.

Hang in there, kittie, we're all purrrrring & purrrraying for you.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We saw Tesla & Han's message and in case you don't have any heating things Mommy has an easy solution. You put rice in an old sock. Tie the end of the sock off so the rice can't come back out and throw it in the microwave on high for one minute. It will be nice and warm and you can reheat the rice as often as you need. Mommy did it for Scylla & Charybdis when they were babies. ~S,S & C

Jans Funny Farm said...

We've all been sitting around the chatzy room, hoping for some good news. We're glad to hear this and hope things only get better from here on.

Samantha & Mom said...

Yay!! We are glad that his temperature is 100.4!! Purrrrs. purrrrs and more purrrrs from our house to yours!!!
Your FL furiends,

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Hang in there, Moki! We're sending lots and lots of healing purrs your way.

The Island Cats said...

If we could teleport over and give you our body heat, we would! Hang in there, Moki!

Parker said...

We still have our candle lit for you to send you warmth Moki!
Keep fighting sweetie - we love you!

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, purrrrrrrrrr! purrrrrrrrrr! purrrrrrrrrr! (soft rumbly grrrrrrrrr!) fight, darling, fight! we love you no matter what!!

we'll pile on the nap pile, an' hope that teleported bodies hold heat!!

soft sleeks an' nose kisses--
ed, nitro, xingxing, & meower m & d

Kaz's Cats said...

We're glad to read that your temp is going up Moki - please keep snuggling next to your Mom, and keep fighting this nasty infection - we'll keep purring and purraying lots for you from down here,

{{kitty hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha

Anonymous said...

Oh Moki we are purring and praying for you to be better!

Lucy and Trixie

Peggy's Place said...

we are with you in spirit, sending healing thoughts your way. Hang on Moki!

Chrissie said...

Moki, I'm sending you lots of purrs and as much West Texas HEAT as I can, buddy!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

I's still on tha nap pile, never left since last night.
That's 6 of us hot cats from hot Texas. We's bringing all that Texas heat to yous.
Plus Tazz is joining us now (she's tha poodle woofie from next door that wuz Bear's sisfur).
Come on Moki, you is a tough dude an a fighter, keep on fighting, pleeze.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are sending big purrs and lots of body heat Moki!! I hope you feel bettersoon!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

The Florida Furkids said...

We're still purring - those are adorable pics. Moki, you are such a special kitty!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Cat Realm said...

Here are 5, yes FIVE cats to bundle up in a nap pile on Moki to keep him warm! It's Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl. And we have two house guests at the moment who we haven't mentioned on the blog so far, Naughty and Luna, but they are helping with the bundling!!!!! Keep warm Moki, get better, be healed!

Beau said...

Moki, I'm in the nap pile too, and I brought my 2 gizzy quilts and my DKM snuggle blanket to help.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Um...we three terriers are here to join the nap pile...we'll put Stan on the bottom so he doesn't squish any kitty...We're very hot dogs...lotsa body heat...we'll do our best!

Sendin' ya lotsa healing terrier zen and prayers!!!!

Lotssa love...Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We 3 are all piling next ta Moki ta provide as much warth as possible! And we are purring as loud as possible ta let Moki know we are there...

Skeeter, LC, and Ayla

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We sure hope dat is da end of yoo cooling off...we'll come over wif Skeeter, LC and Ayla and surround yoo to help keep yoo warm all night.

Anonymous said...

Moki is going to be in my prayers constantly! I've always loved Moki and come by frequently to check in! Hugs!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Moki, You look so cute all bundled up and sleeping. Keep getting better! We're all purring or barking for you. Quietly, of course, so we don't wake you.

Samantha & Mom said...

Purrrs, purrrrs and more purrrrrs Moki!! You look so cute bundled up!! We'll keep purraying all night and until you are 100%!
Your FL furiends,

Just Ducky said...

I've come to join the nap pile to help warm Moki up. Hang in there little dude.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My Moki,
Hangon~!! I am also here purring and purring and purring for you~!!!
Hang on!!!!

admin said...

oh dear buddy Moki, we're sending our healing purrs & purrayers for your health, and we understand your mom must be tired & worry to monitor your progress, please keep well too.

miss you,
felinesophy & meaouwy troops

Lux said...

That's good news that you're staying warm, Moki. You look so sweet in your blankies. I hope your urine looks better the next time - lots of purrs,

Cory said...

Oh Moki, hang in there buddy! We have lots of blankies we can share. Please get better! Purring and praying for you!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Moki, please give a better urine sample in the morning.

We came by to check on you before we shut down for the night.

Forty Paws said...

Ok, all of us here at the Forty Paws have come over to nap with you! There are a lot of us, and we will provide you with tons of warmth.

Luf, Us

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Moki,bless your dear little soul!!!
We are purring like crazy. We hope you have a good night too.
Purrs Mickey & family

The Cat Realm said...

Still cuddling in a nap pile!!!!! Now we just have to get that urine yellow again!!!!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

We's still in tha nap pile too.
We's planning to spend tha night here, keeping Moki safe and warm.
We's also dedicating our bloggie post to him tomorrow fur Mancat Monday.
We wants to see Moki be a big healthy mancat.
Fight, Moki, Fight.
Love and Purrs,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Still here keeping Moki warm but buddy, yoo need to get dat blood outta yoor peepee...

tahtimbo said...

We are purring and praying for you. Please get better soon!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We just found your blog via CB. We have read the whole story of Moki and we join efurrycat in purring and purring for you. You have a wonderful Momma and Daddy that care so much, and so many friends. We are thankful for the constant updates. We luv you!


Alexi said...

We's sending purrs, purrayers and lots of body heat. We love you.


Karen Jo said...

Moki, I am glad to hear that your body temperature is up again. It must be that humongous nap pile. Now get that blood out of your pee and recover. I am praying very hard for you and have lit a candle for you to send you warmth.

Motor Home Cats said...

Moki, we are sending you all of the purrs we can that you will keep fighting so you can get better. Please do everything your Mama wants you to so that you can heal.

Purrs and (((hugs)))

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Your post has me in tears. I am so sorry to hear that Moki is ill. Having gone through this with Roscoe just a few months ago, I understand just how you feel. Snuggle close to Moki and give him lots of love from all of us. Keeping you all in my thoughts and deep inside my heart.

GET BETTER MOKI! We are all praying for you!
Opus and his human, Cyn

Forever Foster said...

Moki, we are wrapping you and your mum with our love and purrs, and are holding you tight in our hearts. We are bringing the kittens to join in on the lap pile and snuggle with you.

Daisy said...

Moki, I just want you to know that I am still thinking of you, and purring my very hardest. Please get well soon!



WE just learned this morning that you are not doing well. We want you to know that we are all going to be purring REAL hard and say our purrayers and light our candle for you. WE will not stop until we know you are totally well. Please feel better our dear little one we send our guardian angel kitties to watch over you...

Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
Mom Debra

Parker said...

I wanted to let you know that we still have our candle lit for you Moki. We feel so sad and awful that you can't stay warm enough. We'd like to cuddle up on a nap pile with you to help you get warm. All of our purrs and love and hugs to you and to your Mommy for taking such great care of you.
Gentle smooches and warm hugs,

Parker and family

The Florida Furkids said...

Moki we're purring for you while Mom is at work. We hope you're better this morning.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Kaz's Cats said...

Just stopping by for the latest update. We're still purring and purraying for you to get well little guy. Hang on in there,

{{kitty hugs}}

Gypsy & Tasha

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Fight, Moki, Fight.
We loves you.
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Mommie ML

Purrageous Pirates said...

We hope you are feeling better Moki, and are still warm and getting warmer. Please fight buddy. We know its hard but you can do it!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

We is coming ofer again to purrrr and help keep Moki warm!

Everycat said...

I thought I'd bring along those 3 kittens along with the 4 of us to help keep you warm Moki. Kittens are good little heating pads and they purr mightily. I hope you can carry on holding your own Moki sweetheart.You look very cosy in the blankets.

Love and rumbles from Whicky, Angel, Oliver, Gerry, Gabbi,Ash, Simon and Jane.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Moki,
We just wanted to make sure you knowed that we are still prayin' non-stop for you. We love you, Moki. Try to keep fightin' this mean ol' infection...we know you is tired but just keep tryin', sweet one.

Love and purrs,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Anonymous said...

Moki we are still purring for you to be better. We will come and help you keep warm. We have a nice warm pile of laundry, we'll bring that too!

Lucy & Trixie

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We have been gone since Friday and had no idea Moki got so bad. We are purraying so hard and he is at the top of our purrayer list. Warm thoughts heading your way. Hang in there little fighter!

Love, hugs and purrs,
Laila, Minchie and Mom Peggy

Maggie May said...

Moki, we are purring and purraying so hard for you buddy!! We are glad that your temp is remaining steady!We are on our way over to cuddle with you. There are 9 of us and a woofie. We can provide lots of heat!
~The Creek Cats~

Monty Q. Kat said...

Alright, I'm coming over right now to keep you warm. This tabbyman never steps down from a challenge-I keep Mombean's feet toasty all night.


Charlemagne and Tamar said...

We're adding two more kitties to the pile to keep you warm, Moki!

Sending purrs and prayers (our momma and daddy, too),
Charlemagne and Tamar

Niko and Cloud said...

Two more warm little kitties coming over to snuggle you right now! And we stoled Mom's heating blankie too! Get well soon buddy!


Ok we're all gonna join the snuggle pile...just add five more of us to help warm up Moki...we're gonna git yoo well Moki.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Any room left for us? We'll close in any drafts. Purring for you Moki to warm up and get better quick!!!!!!

Purrs and {{hugs}},

Shade, Goldie and Banshee

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your mom is probably resting. She's had a hard few days worrying and taking care of you. We kitties are still in the nap pile trying to help keep you warm and we doggies are curled around the outside of the pile so we don't squish you. Are you sure you can breathe under all those cats?

Moki, We so hope you are doing better today. We are really purring and barking (quietly) for you!

JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


Sassy sed dats you waz havin' a "pile-on" to help keeps you warm. So here iz us five, & we iz gonna addz our floof to da pile. You justee hangz in dere itty bitty buddy!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Poor Moki! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
We are purring our hardest that the antibiotics work soon!

Whimpurr said...

This is just awful! I know you must be sick with worry!!! Hugs, and prayers to you!!! Come on, Moki, hang in there sweet boy!!!!

Artsy Catsy said...

We love you Moki, and we're staying right here to keep you warm until you're all better again. And we're purring for your mom, too - we know how worried she must be.

& all of us at Artsy Catsy

Mo and The Purries said...

We are purring and praying for Moki.
Piled on:
Little Isis
and Petey

And Not The Mama sends *HUGS*

The gang from
Purrchance To Dream

Whimpurr said...

Whimpurr here again. I took your picture of Moki in his blanket and added praying hands to it. I have it on my blog for others to see and say a prayer for him! (((HUGS)))

Cat Street Boyz said...

Oh Moki, we are so sad the you feel bad. When our Tinker had an infection beside his meds Mom gave him clear Pedialyte it really helped him. Now he is NOT allowed to eat any dry cat food only Merrick canned food. He wasn't peeing that much blood though, very scary!!! Moki we are thinking of you and still PURRRRRRRIN'=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Carolina Cats said...

We're heer to join the nap pile. Jazzy's never been to one so somecat tell her where to go.

Piling in and purring hard, wif lots of love & good vibes for Moki.

Finny Buddy & Jazzy

Carolina Cats said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cat pile on MOKI! *run jump*


- ummm Troo, we dun fink Moki wants to be jumped on. Let's jus lay next to hims ok?


Unknown said...

Oh Moki, I am purring for you buddy. Please be strong.

Kellie The Orange Cat